Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to join a global network that supports your development and career ambitions. Whether you are a current finance student or working in the finance and investment management industry, this is your opportunity to join the WIFIN.



Promote diversity

Increase women visibility

Build credibility

Empower women

Connect women through our various country network



Fellow Members

This category is for women executives who are currently working in leadership roles in the finance and investment management industry and have a minimum of 10 years or more of working experience.  Each fellow pays an annual membership subscription fee of $ 250 or $ 600 for 3 years.

Professional Members

This category is for women who have already started and pursuing their careers in the finance and investment management industry.

Each professional member pays an annual membership subscription fee of $75 or $180 for 3 years

Student Members

This category is for girls currently pursuing a degree or any related studies in finance, banking, etc. and wishes to join the WIFIN. Each student member pays an annual membership subscription fee of $25 or $55 for 3 years.

Institutional Members

We work with institutional partners who are champions of diversity and share deeply in our common vision.

Do you share in our common objective and mission and wish to be part of this historic journey? Then get in touch now.



$250/ yr

Fellow Members

This category is for women executives who are currently working in leadership roles in the finance and investment management industry.

$75/ yr

Professional Members

This category is for women who have already started and pursuing their careers in the finance and investment management industry.

$25/ yr

Student Members

This category is for girls currently pursuing a degree or any related studies in finance, banking, etc. and wishes to join the WIFIN.

Become a member now !

Whether you are a current finance student or working in the finance and investment management industry, this is your opportunity to join the WIFIN.