Nousrath Bhugeloo,
Chair and Executive Director – Nexus Global Financial Services Ltd
Chair and Executive Director – Nexus Global Financial Services Ltd
Nousrath has 30 years’ experience in corporate services, of which over 15 years in advising global business clients on investment and trade structuring strategies for Asian and African emerging markets in order to enhance their enterprise and shareholder value. Nousrath spearheaded the growth strategy at ABAX, which was acquired by Ocorian in 2018.
Pursuing an Africa-focused strategy, Nousrath was instrumental in the expansion and growth of the Africa-led business of the firm, with the opening namely of representative offices in South Africa, Kenya, Ivory Coast and Nigeria. She was the Head of Business Development for AMEA at Ocorian.
Nousrath sits on the board of a number of companies and funds active in Africa. She is a board member of Inq, Convergence Capital Partners, Umunthu Investment Company (Umunthu), Catalyst Capital Partners, Seacom Ltd, Activa Finance, The BoardRoom Africa Foundation, Hyde Energy Ltd etc. She is the chair of the Investment Committee of Umunthu and sits on the Governance and Remuneration Committee of Convergence Capital Partners.
Additionally, she is a member of women-in-business networks and devotes a lot of her time promoting and advocating the role of women in business.
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